Did you know that businesses in the US spent more than 100 billion dollars last year on equipment repairs?
Many businesses use forklifts in their daily operations as a crucial part of productivity. So, having timely and quality repairs when these machines break is absolutely essential. Here are 6 common forklift repair mistakes and how to avoid them.
1# Not Addressing Problems As Soon As They Occur
Procrastinating on performing a repair can lead to more part failures and even the whole forklift becoming unusable. Forklifts are at the heart of many operations, so when a problem occurs during use, it can be tempting to just finish the job and fix it later.
Many common forklift issues have simple, low-cost fixes but can turn into nightmarish expenses if left untreated.
#2 Not Taking Steps To Prevent Forklift Repair Mistakes
Regular maintenance at the proper service intervals is the simplest thing you can do to keep your forklifts running properly.
Surveys have shown that around 17% of employees from small businesses in America were given little to no training in their workplace. Properly trained employees will be able to report problems and prevent forklift repair mistakes.
#3 Being Cheap
Buying those cheap parts from a sketchy website could feel tempting to save some money. However, it will end up costing you more when that part breaks early or even causes another part to break.
It can also be tempting to try to fix the problem yourself. But, having an expert forklift repair technician is the best solution to avoid forklift repair mistakes.
#4 Not properly diagnosing problems
Repairing forklift parts in a timely matter is important, but hastily assuming the cause of a problem can end up costing you extra money.
Incorrectly diagnosing a problem can cause you to replace a perfectly good part. Thus, creating unnecessary industrial waste and further prolonging wear and tear on the forklift from continuing to run without having the real problem fixed.
It pays to have a certified service technician perform repairs for your business. They will make the necessary adjustments with appropriate forklift repair equipment.
#5 Not Preventing Problems From Reoccurring
What’s worse than having to pay for a repair that was avoidable? Having to pay for that repair again because you didn’t take steps to prevent it from happening in the future.
Place signage around the workplace that emphasizes the correct operation of forklifts.
#6 Not Taking Care Of Older Forklifts
Older forklifts should get extra attention from you and your staff. Older machines can be more sensitive to issues when their oil change or other regular maintenance is delayed.
Fixing older forklifts can be a pain if you can’t find the right replacement parts. Make sure that the forklift repair service you use can get you the correct parts for your forklift model.
Use A Forklift Repair Service
The best way to avoid forklift repair mistakes is to hire a service to provide you with expert repairs, excellent customer service, and the highest quality forklift parts.
Contact Superior Industrial Products for all your forklift repair needs!