The most common accidents on a forklift involve the vehicle overturning or falling loads. Both of these situations can be prevented with proper forklift training.

Only forklift-certified individuals must operate these machines in the workplace. Getting a forklift certification is easy if you are focused and willing to put in a few hours of work.

How long does it take to get forklift certified? Keep reading to find out.

How Long Does It Take to Get Forklift Certified?

The answer to, “How long does it take to get forklift certified?” depends on whether you receive in-person or online instructional training.

Completing an OSHA-approved instruction training course is the first step to getting forklift certified. This course covers driving techniques, maintenance, and safety procedures.

Following the training, you are given a written test to confirm you have retained the knowledge.

It can take about six to eight hours to complete an in-person forklift training program.

An online program usually takes about two to four hours to complete. If you have prior knowledge of forklifts, you might be able to complete the coursework within an hour.

Finding Instructional Training Programs

You can find in-person OSHA-approved forklift training programs in your area through your employer. You can also ask forklift dealers or local colleges about program options.

If you are looking for an online instructional training program, consider these providers:

  • Forklift Academy
  • National Forklift Foundation
  • US Forklift Operator Certification
  • Liftoff Certification

These providers are all OSHA-approved so you can be sure to receive the best training on the different types of forklifts.

Hands-On Skills Evaluation

After you complete your in-person or online forklift training, you have to demonstrate what you learned. A hands-on evaluation is always completed in person.

During the evaluation, you will inspect the forklift and operate it efficiently.

There are two ways you can complete your hands-on equipment training evaluation. Your options include:

  • Having a leader at your workplace assess your skills
  • Having a trainer from the third-party organization where you received instructional training assess your skills

If they deem your evaluation satisfactory, you will receive your forklift certification.

How Long Does Forklift Certification Last?

OSHA requires individuals to renew their forklift certification every three years. You will need to pass a skills check that takes about two hours to complete.

A skills check evaluation is often conducted by a workplace leader. They will observe you during normal operating hours.

Certify Before You Buy

If you want to rent or buy a forklift from Superior Industrial Products, it’s important to receive a forklift training certification first. So, how long does it take to get forklift certified?

Whether you complete instructional training online or in person, you can expect the first step to be done in up to eight hours. After, you can complete the hands-on evaluation.

Online instructional training takes less time than in-person training, but it’s important to choose the right option for you.

Once you have your training done, check out our catalog of available forklifts to rent or buy.